SOLID GRAY is founded by product designers Herman Lijmbach and Jasper de Leeuw; both alumni of the Design Academy Eindhoven, and co-owners of product design agency Lijmbach, Leeuw & Vormgeving. We share a passion to develop products that are both ruthlessly original and ruthlessly functional. Groundbreaking designs that raise the bar by being like nothing else. As design consultants, we designed all kinds of products for a wide range of clients. We often found that the designs we loved the most, would push the envelope too far for the brands we work for. SOLID GRAY backpack is such a radical product. We founded the SOLID GRAY brand simply because we love the product, because we believed others would love it too, and because we wanted to see what would happen if we set it out into the world.
We believe in creating new things. Products that are different, because we design them from scratch. Our products aren’t different for the sake of being different. They are different because that’s what it takes to make a them the best they can be. We are not happy until form, function and material are in perfect synergy, and even the smallest details are turned upside-down and inside-out. Our production process is equally demanding; all SOLID GRAY products are manufactured in the Netherlands, with utmost respect to ecology and human wellbeing. We aren’t satisfied until you are holding a product that feels strange, yet perfected in every possible way. It’s what we call breaking the ordinary.

SOLID GRAY has evolved into a thriving brand through a continuous flurry of blogs, magazines films and other publications, and most importantly the support of loyal customers around the world. We make extraordinary products for extraordinary people. People with a story to tell, and dreams to live. Whether you are involved in arts, music, design, technology or something completely different, nothing makes us prouder than knowing you are out there rocking our products. So for all you hard workers, daily travelers and creative minds; show us how you use your SOLID GRAY, share us your stories. We’d like to invite you to become part of our story, and we hope we can be a part of yours.